Zory is using her awesome imagination to take a dream trip with her aunt. Children will learn to explore different places and experience a fun adventure with Zory. This book is designed to teach children how to create their dreams.
My Sister's Arms is a testament to the power of God in everyday lives. The author gives a vivid description of her experiences in life. She reveals times when God has provided assurance of His continual care through the kindness of others. The author also gives an account of her experience living through the storm Katrina.
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(Monique Elliott)
This workbook will assist you in discovering how to move your dreams forward. By using the seven step guide you will begin to explore the next steps to accomplishing your goals for success. Allow God to guide you into the powerful plan He has for your life. Use this workbook to record your awesome progress!
This book is created to motivate young people. You will learn how to design your own vision board, write goals, and produce positive results. You are made for greatness! Each chapter has an assignment to assist you in reaching your awesome possibilities. Take time to discover how to move forward and accomplish your dreams.
(Monique Elliott)